In 2004, the National Endowment for the Arts published Reading at Risk: A Survey of Literary Reading in America. This detailed study showed that Americans in almost every demographic group were reading fiction, poetry and drama—and books in general—at significantly lower rates than 10 or 20 years earlier. The declines were steepest among young adults.
The scenario: You are Norwalk High’s English Department chair. You will prepare a report about the NEA’s survey to share with the department. You should focus about how reading trends in America are changing and how this will affect the lives of young people as they grow up and try to compete in a tightening global job market.
1) Summarize the results of the survey. (Write at least a half-page.)
2) Cite three facts from the survey that back up what you said in the summary. (This should be a bulleted list.)
3) Recommend actions that the English department should take to address the problems identified by the NEA survey. (Write at least one page.)